Keep Syntax Highlighting with Diffs in Rouge
The problem
Ever used rouge and want to show a diff, but notice you lose your language’s syntax highlighting?
Me too.
If you haven’t, here’s a before and after using diffs and diffs with existing highlighting.

highlighting and javascript
highlighting.Alright? So how did we get there?
Well, after a lot of research it seemed that the combination of Kramdown and Rouge didn’t really like the idea of multiple highlighters running on a single code block.
Here’s some iterations of what I tried:
{: .language-diff .language-js }
~~~ js:diff
{: class="language-diff language-js" }
Bridgetown / Kramdown weren’t having it though. It would only ever take the first language defined.
So, off to the Rouge repo.
After a lot of searching I found this issue from 2017:
It didn’t have a lot of activity, and was closed with a workaround.
The workaround looked something like this:
require "rouge"
module Rouge
module Lexers
class JavascriptDiff < Javascript
tag "javascript-diff"
aliases "js-diff"
# Ruleset courtesy of this issue:
rule(/^\+.*$\n?/, lexer::Generic::Inserted)
rule(/^-+.*$\n?/, lexer::Generic::Deleted)
rule(/^!.*$\n?/, lexer::Generic::Strong)
rule(/^@.*$\n?/, lexer::Generic::Subheading)
rule(/^([Ii]ndex|diff).*$\n?/, lexer::Generic::Heading)
rule(/^=.*$\n?/, lexer::Generic::Heading)
And then in your markdown you would do something like the following:
+ add
- delete
Which that solution kind of works. It’s annoying to have to do that for every language. And also, I would like to be able to add diffs to any language I wanted. So of course, not being satisfied, here’s how I hacked diffs into every Lexer from Rouge in my bridgetown site. At the bottom of my config/initializers.rb
I added the following:
Bridgetown.configure do |config|
# ...
require "rouge"
module Rouge
module Lexers
# These lexers don't implement the `prepend` class method so they'll raise an error if we don't skip them.
problem_lexers = [
::Rouge::Lexer.all.each do |lexer|
next if problem_lexers.include?(lexer)
# Ruleset courtesy of this issue:
lexer.prepend :root do
rule(/^\+.*$\n?/, lexer::Generic::Inserted)
rule(/^-+.*$\n?/, lexer::Generic::Deleted)
rule(/^!.*$\n?/, lexer::Generic::Strong)
rule(/^@.*$\n?/, lexer::Generic::Subheading)
rule(/^([Ii]ndex|diff).*$\n?/, lexer::Generic::Heading)
rule(/^=.*$\n?/, lexer::Generic::Heading)
Now I was able to add diffs into my markdown without needing to change anything. Do note, I have no idea what this breaks, so use with caution. There’s my disclaimer!
Anyways, I hope you found this useful, this has been annoying me forever and I’m happy to have finally found a solution.
Let me know how this works for you! And possibly what breaks! I’d be happy to edit this with a better solution!